The Prodigal's Foole - an Urban Fantasy Kindle eBook by R. B. Wood

"Demons and magic, shotguns and explosions - Great read!"
--Steve Umstead, author of The Evan Gabriel Trilogy

A man can run from his past ... but not his future.

Symon Bryson lives in self-imposed exile until Monsignor DuBarry goes missing and not even the most adept of the magic practitioners can determine the reason for the abduction. The clues lie buried in the past amidst epic battles and horrific losses but reliving that failed mission uncovers fresh challenges and fearsome threats that reunite his old team. Symon must deal with his own hidden demons and confront the menace that threatens the delicate balance of power. When the darkest of all evils lures Symon into springing a long-planned trap, an unsuspecting world will confront the unthinkable.

When all that stands between Heaven and Hell is magic, more than faith will be tested.

"It started with the bang (the first line is absolutely gripping) and ended with fireworks!"
--Mercedes M. Yardley, Shock Totem Magazine

"The Prodigal's Foole is a ripping good action tale."
--Deviant Art Review

"R. B. Wood has filled every inch of his vast canvas with gripping reverses of fortune and a narrative that blends the most disparate elements with great skill and verve."
--Bill Kirton, author of the Jack Carston Series