A Time of Myths - kindle ebook by Chris Blamires

KINDLE FREE EBOOK Promotion 24-25 August


A 5-star mystery story wrapped in a thrilling adventure, with subtle undertones examining the dark themes of who we are, and how far we make our own decisions.

Five students meet on the way to Woodstock, where their lives are changed forever by a violent death. Years later, events conspire to reunite the surviving members half a continent away as they face the final fallout from a long buried past…

A genre-busting novel that is played out in 60's Woodstock, the London Soho of the 80's and on a tiny Greek island, A Time of Myths will have you enthralled throughout.

Don't take our word for it - visit the Amazon page and read the high-praise-reviews of five top Amazon Book Reviewers, among other readers. Free this weekend only.