My Justice - Kindle Ebook by Patricia A. McKnight
'My Justice' was written to explain and apologize to my own children how the ugliness of abuse and family violence invaded their world. You see, it is a book written from my memories of a life in hell and how it 'trained' me to accept these acts as normal for over thirty years.
There are a lot of incredible survivor stories being published at this time, 'My Justice' is ONE YOU MOST DEFINITELY WANT TO READ'!!!
The horror lived by 'Trecia Ann', the voice of the child I used to be, is now screaming out in 'MY JUSTICE' about what happened and how an entire small American community all judged and dismissed the evil rot that was my existence. The same school system attended for six consecutive years; the law enforcement, family friends, adult men & young boys; all knew this child, saw into her world and some were even a part of that hell, but rather than help her they left her to be destroyed by the parents who controlled her every moment. A child so trained to be the family caregiver, cook, babysitter; she responded to the ring of a little brass bell. A young girl so trapped inside the world of exploitation and being bought as a toy for the price of a couple of beers; the skin infection of impetigo which took over the child's body because she could not safely bathe in her own home; the entire community watched as the filth, crud, and infected pussing sores ate away at her physically and emotionally. The devil himself came into her world at just five years old. She was his property to do with as he pleased for twelve straight years. A mother who sacrificed her daughter all for a bit of financial comfort which never came about because of the violent drunk who raged against & raped her daughter. This is a memoir for all to see inside the broken soul of someone who lived inside this total dysfunction.
Trecia Ann, went into adult life not knowing she bore the wounds of PTSD, anxiety, and depression. She lived through one brutal relationship after another. Although she tried her best to give her children the innocent childhood and joyous life they deserved; instead the decisions of her dysfunctional wiring caused another generation to be engulfed in the repeated attacks against her. If you have any contact with children, work in social services, or in the shelter system, if you are a healthcare professional or just a concerned person; I Dare You Not To Be Inspired by this incredible survivor story. 'My Justice' can only be compared to the great work of 'A Child Called It' by the masterful Dave Pelzer.
Author/Advocate/Survivor, Ms. Lynn C. Tolson recently read and reviewed 'MY JUSTICE' 
Lynn C. Tolson, Author: 'Beyond the Tears-A True Survivors Story
"Even a seasoned reader of memoirs about trauma will feel the suffering of the narrator,an innocent child who experienced emotional cruelty, medical/dental neglect, and sexual abuse. Her father abandoned her, her step-father abused her, and her mother neglected her. Imagine wondering if this is the night your step-father is going to kill you, then trying to concentrate in school the next morning, then being the house-maid and nurse-maid when it's time to do your homework! Yet, no one seemed to notice the bruises, skin rashes, and tooth decay, obvious outer wounds that reflected the inner pain of a lost and alone child. Teachers ignored her and classmates teased her. Trecia carried the burden of guilt and shame as well as the responsibility to keep the secrets of the disturbed and dysfunctional "family" she so desperately needed to survive because
no one intervened!"