My father was a murder, a cheat, adulterer, horrible father, lousy husband and a con-artist and yet I owe him my life and am very thankful for what he gave me. I no longer wine about how tough my life has been because of him. I celebrate every part of my life because it has made me who I am. No longer am I a victim of The Lies We Tell Ourselves.
The name of the book is The Lies We Tell Ourselves and I wanted to write a book that would be brutally honest, captivating and painful enough that you could relate to me but not so painful that you would hurt reading it. I wrote for me and I wrote for you because I wanted to present this idea in a way that would capture people at the heart of the matter and help them to eliminate the lies. I am so passionate about this book that I am running a one-time only and free KDP promo on July 7th through the 11th 2013 so this is truly a great gift one way or another I hope you will gain a lot from. I was never going to offer it free on Amazon because I felt that what I have written was too valuable but after a long thought process it was more important that I get it into as many hands as possible to learn from so a free promo is in the works.
No one holds the keys to your success and happiness but you and because of that it is time to grab on to the idea that the only thing holding you back is the lies you tell yourself and this best-selling book will force you to assess the who, what, when, where and why factor inside of you. This book is full of personal stories and examples that will have you crying, cheering and laughing as well as celebrating the journey that the author has taken to arrive at where he is today. This is more than a personal growth and development story as it is about understanding what you really want and how to live happy, free and on your own terms. It is about a better life for you and your family and loved ones. The Lies We Tell Ourselves is a wonderful journey of life that cannot be explained in less than the entire book and I hope that you will enjoy it and learn from what I have to offer.