Unlock Personal Power With Dreams: 40 Keys to Find Your Unique Path - a nonfiction book about dreams written by Steven G. Fox, PH.D.

Unlock Personal Power Through Dreams: 40 Keys to Find Your Unique Path http://www.amazon.com/Unlock-Personal-Through-Dreams-ebook/dp/B00CHD12C8 was written by a clinical psychologist with over twenty-five years of experience. Dreams are most importantly used to change course in life. They are excellent at answering the big questions in life. There is a procedue for asking your dreams questions to get needed answers. This processwas frequently used in psychotherapy to help clients chart a new course. Forty keys or principles this experienced psychologist used to interpret dreams with actual and anonymous clients are explained.Two to five dreams are then given as exemplars of the key being discussed. The material is neither too difficult for the public nor too simplistic for professionals.


Subconscious blocks and the work of the Shadow within each person is vital to change. Dreams are not always what we want to hear, but are mainly what we need to hear. Dreams make predictions about the future often. Dreams can be virtual reality testing to help the dreamer get ready for more adaptive behavior. The first level of dream interpretation involves viewing each character as part of the person's psyche. This is the most difficult and most rewarding part of dream interpretation. People typically want to go to the interpersonal level of looking at dreams which is fraught with misleading factors. The most accurate and useful interpretations are derived from entering the endless hall of mirrors where each character has meaning for the dreamer's psyche. It turns out that we really usually are the answer for which we have been looking.


The importance of classes of concepts like colors, numbers, animals, different forms of travel, different methods of flying, archetypes and more are explicated. Archetypes are forms of thought inherent in a culture that have been passed down through the ages. Knowing which archetypes are operative in a life situation is often life redeeming. The dreams are presented as they were given in therapy. They are not polished for presentation but are presented in the often chaotic way of dreams. This therapist has noticed that the word most often used to describe dreams is "weird." Dreams do make sense, but they make sense at a subconscious level. The logic is concrete and direct to the point that the strangeness of the images haunt us. Dreams condense the maximum amount of meaning into the smallest possible space. It takes a wholly different perspective to discern the meaning of dreams. This author believes that following the 40 keys or principles keeps the interpretor on track so that the real meaning of a dream can be unlocked and then opens new vistas for the dreamer. 


The proof is in the pudding when it comes to the question of whether dreams have value. The author's multiple sclerosis went into remission partially because of his following direction given to him in a dream. Words can not express how much that healing reaffirmed my belief in the therapeutic value of subconscious-revealing dreams.