The Prelude-Olivia St. Claire has made a mess of her life. Divorced by thirty, she made sure she hooked up with the deadest-beatest boyfriend west of the Mississippi and got stuck in the deadest-beatest job in Denver. Now living in her parents' basement, she has time to think, and remember. Once upon a time, she wanted to be a pianist. Time to find a teacher. What better teacher than former concert pianist Liam Wallace? She found him attractive, beyond attractive, but her heart was safe. He was married and he showed no interest in her. If he wouldn't love her, she would make sure he loved the way she played.
The Fugue-But her heart couldn't be controlled. She now had the opportunity to perform with him. She, shy Olivia, would be on the stage in front of hundreds of people and sitting next to the man she loved more than music. And that's when everything fell apart. When she heard the music, she couldn't control what she might say or do. She wanted to be good at something. And when that happened, she lost more than her heart. She lost a chance to capture something that meant more to her than anything she'd ever dreamed.