Another Space in Time Returns-Science Fiction by Richard Bunning

Okay, so the sequel hasn't got a very original title. This one is standalone, so yes there is a bit of repetition from Another Space in Time. Being a definite continuation, but also making the book self-contained demands this. All I can say is that I hope I got the balance right for most readers. There isn't a third book planned. So what do you need to know? This is very much a speculative fiction rather than hard core SF. The "hero" has been born again as an adult after having been murdered on Earth. The new planet is very earth-like in many respects, as is demanded by the requirements for human survival. We are a fairly fragile biological species. The book is everyman philosophical, exploring alienation on many levels. Rodwell having survived a terrorist plot in the first book, now goes undercover to help the police destroy the terrorist organization. His twin brother has preceded Rodwell into this new life, providing the opportunity for him to play the part of his sibling in order to infiltrate the terrorist hierarchy. So there are many mixed genre elements to this book, which I hope widens its appeal. I leave you all to judge that. I appreciate feedback, positive and negative. If I have had one consistent complaint, it is that I can be a bit longwinded, though most of these comments have also added that they felt the reading was worthwhile. This has resulted in me sometimes losing a star where that crude classification is demanded. The long style of writing in this first person book was deliberate, if inevitably not universally appreciated. I thank all of you that find the time to read my books, especially as we are increasingly spoilt for choice and constrained by time.