Have you ever failed to stick to a resolution to eat better? Don't worry. It's not because you lack willpower. The key to making a change in your diet, or any other area of your life, is to learn how to work with your psychology and emotions. "How To Stick To A Diet" takes an in-depth look at the simplest and easiest ways to "hack" your brain for more motivation so you can make a permanent shift in your eating habits. After all, what good is it to follow a great diet and get in shape if you fall back into old habits and lose everything you worked so hard for? You'll discover how to make sure your better eating habits stick so you can enjoy a healthier and fitter body for the rest of your life.
"How To Stick To A Diet" also details clever ways you can eat healthy meals on a busy schedule, ways to overcome junk food cravings, cooking tricks to make healthy foods tastier, and even has resources for where you can get organic quality produce as wholesale prices. Whether you a trying to follow a particular diet plan or just want to cut out the crap you know isn't doing your body any good, the book "How To Stick To A Diet" will help ensure your lifelong success.