HOW BLUE CAN YOU GET? is an eclectic collection of flash and short fiction stories that originate from a daughter of the south, who summered in the midwest as a child. Having grown up in the birthplace of the blues, the author has a deep and abiding love for that genre of music. The stories she writes share a common theme of difficult life situations that can also be considered a type and shadow of blues. There is an undercurrent of blues that inhabits all of life, the essence of which she has attempted to capture in these stories: A gentle giant of a black man protects a woman running away from a circus in the post-depression south. A mother and son try to salvage an ailing relationship after the death of a favored son. The first zombie apocalypse occurs during Greek Antiquity. A four year old traverses the vicious circle of life in the hands of neglectful parents. A couple unravels after the delivery of their stillborn child. A woman finally finds the courage to confront an abusive husband.
Bev Elliott, Author
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