She hitchhikes around the United States, part of Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas and Venezuela with little more than a blanket, tarp, cooking pot and matches. Along the way, she picks up a Shepard/Lab mix puppy for a traveling companion. Her travels begin at Rainbow gatherings, where she builds kitchens, digs shitters and helps with clean up for almost a year. She and a companion sneak into Mexico after being turned away from several border crossings for looking so poor, . For over five months, they walk and hitchhike around Mexico experiencing the kindness inherent in the Mexican people and a run in with a Mexican cartel. In Chiapas, they are caught with no papers and then return up the West coast to the states. Later, RK hitchhikes a sailboat ride to the Bahamas on a boat with no engine where she is deported for camping and almost loses her dog. Finally, she flies to Venezuela and spends over five months hitchhiking from Caracas to Cumana, experiencing student riots and the anger of a madwoman.
These are the true stories of a young woman and her journey around the Americas with little to no money traveling in an unconventional way, especially for a woman. Not only does this memoir recount her physical journey, but also a journey of the soul that reflects her growth from a naive young girl into a woman who has a better understanding of her place in the world.
"The danger is not that the soul should doubt whether there is any bread, but that, by a lie, it should persuade itself that it is not hungry" (Simone Weil)