
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait


Good Things Come to Those Who Wait is my first attempt at writing erotica. I like stories of self discovery, and this very much follows that pattern, as the main character Jess learns what it is she really wants. It also taps into the kind of extensive foreplay and teasing that really turns me on. It's only a novelette, clocking in at nearly 11,000 words, but it packs a punch. I like my erotica hot, so if you're looking for something to really rev your engine, this should be just the ticket. I hope you enjoy!


A girl can't always get what she wants...

By all appearances, Jess has a perfect marriage. Her husband Dan is gorgeous, successful and he gives her everything she could ever want. But Jess has always felt like there's something missing, some desire that he can't quite fulfill.

When she meets the mysterious Angelo, she is instantly drawn to him. He's handsome, confident and his fascination with foreplay leaves her begging for more. He leads her down a path of submission and tantalizing sexual denial that opens her eyes to one simple truth: sometimes it's better not to get what you want.

But as her attraction to Angelo grows, she is faced with an impossible question. How do you choose between the man you love and the man that knows just what you need?

